COVID-19 Safeguard Measures

To safeguard you, Instructors and my students while COVID-19 remains a threat it will be necessary to abide by the following additional terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are designed to help reduce the risk of contracting or transmitting the virus while taking driving lessons.

1. What are the risks of contracting COVID-19

COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and in some cases death. Our instructors will do their best to minimise the risk to you by sanitising those surfaces that you might touch between each lesson and by ventilating the car whenever possible before each lesson. However, if a student chooses to wear disposable gloves, he/she may put on a clean and fresh pair of gloves at the start of the lesson.

2. Accept full responsibility should you or a member of your household become infected

By undertaking driving lessons with us you are agreeing to

i. accept full responsibility (except where I am negligent) for any loss, cost or expense you might incur should you contract COVID-19 or pass it on as a result of taking driving lessons with us

ii. not take any action against Proton Driving School or instructors to recover any such loss, cost or expense.

3. Consider whether you or a member of your household might be particularly vulnerable

If you or any persons you are likely to be in contact with are at risk of having a severe form of the illness as a result of being infected by COVID-19 (e.g. senior citizens, pregnant women and those with underlying medical conditions) please consider very carefully whether you should be taking a course of driving lessons at this point in time.

4. Immediately let me know if you or any members of your household have been exposed to serious risk of contracting COVID-19, tested positive for it, advised to self-isolate or shown symptoms of it.

If you know you may have potentially been in a situation where you or any member of your household may have contracted COVID-19, been tested positive for it, advised to self-isolate or shown symptoms (see below) it is vital that you let us know as soon as possible. Please note, instructor does not need personal details of any individual to whom this may relate.

COVID-19 symptoms include but not limited to the followings:

a. a high temperature (38°C or above)

b. a new, continuous dry cough

c. unexplained loss or change to your (or their) sense of smell or taste.

This list is not exhaustive. For the latest information please refer to the Government guidelines.

5. Be prepared to answer truthfully any questions I might ask before any driving lesson about potential COVID-19 exposure or symptoms

Instructor may need to ask you questions about whether you have been in contact with people:

a. who might be infected (e.g. advised to self-isolate) or

b. who might have recently returned from abroad or

c. who you know are definitely infected or

d. who are particularly vulnerable to a severe form of the COVID-19 illness (also see 3 above)

We will also need to ask you about whether you or indeed anyone else in your household have experienced symptoms (see 4 above). Please note we do not need personal details of any individual to whom the above may relate.

Without charge to you, we reserve the right to postpone the lesson if instructor suspect you may have symptoms consistent with being infected by COVID-19 or have been seriously exposed to it until it is safe to continue based on the latest Government guidelines. Should we discover you could have given us more notice of this information we reserve the right to charge you for any driving lessons postponed as a result.

6. Wear a mask during the lesson

The wearing a mask is mandatory if social distancing is not possible. Our instructors are wearing mask and we require you to wear a mask during the lesson.

7. Endeavour to properly wash your hands and face just prior to each lesson

If at all possible, please wash your hands and face thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds immediately prior to attending a driving lesson. we will still require you to sanitise/wash your hands, after fitting a mask and prior to entering the car, using a suitable product that the instructor will supply for this purpose.

8. Avoid having to bring any extra objects to the driving lesson

Please be mindful not to bring any objects with you that may potentially be a carrier for COVID-19, if at all possible. You can bring your phone with you provided it is switched off.

9. Car ventilation

It is known that COVID-19 transfer is reduced in open spaces therefore instructors may ventilate the car by keeping some of the windows open during the lesson. If this is not practical, they will endeavour to ventilate the car between lessons.

  • Always drive a safe speed and safe position for the situation you are in.
  • Be aware of everybody ahead and to the sides and rear.
  • Keep a good clearance and safe distance all around you
    Switch off your mobile phone.
  • Use your mirrors properly.
  • Make sure everybody in your vehicle is correctly belted up and strapped in.
  • Learn to deal with mistakes from other drivers, some drivers may be new, inexperienced or with less skill than you. Try to help them by giving them more room etc.
  • Keep calm and chilled out and you will feel less stressed yourself.
  • Learn to move your eyeballs.
  • When emerging from a T-Junction with your view blocked then think once, think twice and think motorbike before moving very slowly forward to improve your view.Remember not to go until you can see enough of the road.